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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Content Writing Tips - Article Spinning

What is article spinning

article spinning tipsArticle spinning is a way to rewrite the article technically to avoid the delicacy on search engine. Search engine always prefer legal or real content and it does not allow to steal content from other source without permission of its owner. So search engine worker and article writer discovered a technique that if they change the form of verb, then search engine index it as original content.

Is article spinning is legal way

Article spinning is helpful when it being rewritten manually, but if it done by auto generated software then it can harm. Because when an article been rewritten with any software, user fails to understand what the author wants to say. So the main purpose for writing the article does not work or a blog fails to keep their user satisfied. So auto generating software for writing article or spinning article is not good.

So can I manually rewrite or spin my article

Here I am sharing how you can rewrite or spin an article properly, search engine mainly give preference to verbs and every verb have some synonyms. So first of all for spinning an article open a Microsoft office file and collect sources by surfing internet. Then make the verb change with synonyms. For getting some synonyms select specific verb and write click on the verb. You will get some suggestion for selecting proper synonym. After doing all verb chance with proper synonym clear all format of fonts.

Your content is ready. Then make some heading as point and read the article full. You will get some sentence which does not mean anything. So your job is now make the sentences meaningful. If you follow this way then you will get totally fresh content which is not copied.

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