Using this tip, you can easily obtain the youtube. movies and preserve on your pc difficult drive. Actually all video clips are saved online. com in flash movie structure, so you can simply play these video clips on the web page and can't preserve directly to your pc. But there are many tools are available in the market to obtain these video clips on the difficult drive, but here you can do this using a web page. You can convert also the downloaded video clips from youtube. com into any common movie structure, for example, windows media movie computer file (wmv), windows movie computer file (avi) and movie computer file (mpeg).
Follow the given steps to obtain video clips from youtube. com on your computer:
First open then plays any your favorite movie.
For example, you look for video clips clip and the URL of that youtube. com movie is
The ID if this look for is pVkUG6XLItc after equal sign.
Now open a web page, now copy and paste above movie ID in the look for box, and press button ID look for.
The result may be displayed in any different language, but don't worry, just click on obtain button and preserve this movie on your pc difficult drive. Now use any movie converter to convert it in any other common structure.
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