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Friday, 31 July 2015

Off Page Seo - Seo Tips and Tricks

off page seo
Off Page SEO is a variety of tactics which drives visitors to your website as well as raises your PR (Page Rank). The intention of off page SEO is generally to enhance your on page SEO goals with Search engines like Google. Off Page SEO is generally neglected by most of the certified companies which usually do not outsource the SEO for their own online businesses. In truth, nearly all professional web-sites don’t produce as much utilization of off page SEO just like newbies that use online marketing to generate themselves additional income.

A key reason for that is many look on off page SEO as including inbound links from some other web-sites, gained via reciprocal back links, link farms and reciprocal backlink building software program as well as submissions to web-site directories. And now are numerous experts thinking about article promotion as a potential way of getting backlinks returning to their own websites that are becoming significantly essential for listings on Google on 1st position.
Actually, the majority is now choosing article submission to be extremely productive online link building tactics around nowadays, providing a few ways in which both back links as well as direct site visitors can be carried out through the well-made advertising campaign. Even so, there’s more than marketing with articles in the productive off page SEO basket of prospects.
Down below you’ll find tactics which will help obtain your off page SEO began, refine your present goals, or simply offer you some concepts.
1. Search Engine Submissions
2. Regional Search Engines Submissions
3. Backlink Building
4. Directory Submission
5. Deep Link Submissions
6. Social Bookmarking Submissions
7. Press Release Submissions
8. Article Marketing
9. Blog Creation & Blog Submission
In spite of the several methods to acquire inbound links, the essential element will usually begin with your site content. If you regularly make progress towards enhancing your content material as well as providing your visitor something important, more web-sites visitor will start to access you as an expert. Maintaining a powerful concentrate on the optimization of the content material off your website brings great outcomes for your on page materials and content.

On Page Seo - SEO Tips and Tricks

On Page SEO
You can easily avoid adequate On Page SEO and start link-building (off page SEO) too early. This can be a huge negligence that lots of people make that creates the duty of reaching a top internet search engine ranking far tougher. Probably the most fundamental issues which a web master must realize is how to perform On Page SEO as well as the On Page SEO aspects to think about while both setting up a brand new web-site or while putting fresh content and web pages to a pre-existing web-site.

What is On Page SEO?

In search engine optimization, On Page SEO refers to factors which have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in Google. These factors are given bellow.
1. Optimization of Title,
2. Optimization of Description,
3. Optimization of Description Keyword & Image alt Meta Tags,
4. Content Optimization, Implementation of H1/H2 & Bold tags to Content,
5. XML Sitemap Creation,
6. Submission & Authentication on Google, Yahoo & MSN,
7. Robots.txt Optimization,
8. Google Analytic Installation,
9. Google Local Optimization
Recently I observed some statistics which demonstrated the variables that Google consider when determining where to position a website. I don’t understand if these were correct but let us believe they were in the correct form of side.
It is important to consider On Page SEO while you informing Search engines like Google what your web site is related to. Getting mentioned that Google seems to view what others believe your web site is related to and just how famous it really is. They provide more importance to what many people say compared to you say about your own self.
However, if you ever say nothing or even give a challenging message you’re going to require enormously more many people stating your web site is great before getting a great position.
To view a fascinating example goes into the keyword – click the link – into Google.com. You will find that almost all of the leading web sites listed are download web pages from the such as of Microsoft, Adobe and Intel. These websites accomplished no On Page SEO with this term and don’t contain the words “click here” on the page however they do have huge amounts of back-links.

On the other hand,

The exciting thing is usually that the number 2 websites is a promotional firm called Click Here. Their own page outlined has a PR-5 with Three hundred and ninety back-links and it’s also listed in front of Apple QuickTime download that is PR-9 with more than A million back-links. We must determine out of this that they did a few On Page SEO as well as said these were about “click here” whilst Apple didn’t.
Therefore you have to send a powerful as well as clear message regarding the keyword(s) that your web site is related. This particular On Page SEO isn’t the most enjoyable task but it’s really worth doing correctly and you will find tools to assist.

What Is SEO

what is seo
Through the years I have seen a lot of different information concerning seo and try to learn “what is seo“. Nearly all of it is usually over complicated. The reason is , those offering it like you to think that Search engine optimization is too difficult for you know. They persuade you to buy e-books, to pay subscriptions for membership, as well as other whatever other products they can push on you.
My intention is to make the issues at hand a lot easier for you and give some information about “what is seo“. The reality is; you don’t have to understand all the areas of seo immediately. The simplest way to understand Search engine optimization is by breaking all the details down into tiny sections. Start with the fundamentals, and once you’re feeling confident with them you may proceed to the more complicated areas.

What Is SEO?

In a nutshell, seo is needed to generate a web sites popularity on the net. You can carry out Search engine optimization techniques inside your web-site, called on-site seo / on page seo, or by doing work related to your site around the web, called off-site seo / off page seo.

Why utilize Search Engine Optimization?

All effective web sites use Search engine optimization techniques. To get your site listed, engines like Google uses a bot (spider) to scan the code (e.g. HTML, PHP, etc.) of the website. It looks for certain keywords as well as other terms to discover what your site is about, and then correctly index it within its directory.
Without this information in your code, it’ll be tricky to obtain high results from the engines like Google. Occasionally you may not be able to obtain a decent listing at all. It may be one of the various explanations why you require a search engine optimization technique in position.

What is the Benefits of Search Engine Optimization?

The main reason site owners require seo is so they are able to generate visitors from numerous places. For example, one might begin with adding Search engine optimization keywords and phrases to your sites content material. An additional method might be include the keywords to your HyperText Markup Language(HTML) code.
Any lucrative business should have durability. In terms of web sites, durability is located via pre-planned SEO strategies. The bad news is that Search engine optimization is an endless procedure. I’ve clocked up many hundreds of hours working on Search engine optimization methods. This is not said to dissuade you, but to assist you in recognizing that SEO isn’t a simple quick fix.

Who utilizes Search engine optimization?

At this present time, the only individuals who don’t use seo are those who do not know they require it or what is seo. On the other hand, they may not understand where to begin.
A very important factor I ought to point out is that Search engine optimization isn’t only for blogs, community forums, as well as web sites. Lots of men and women will use these techniques to assist their content material to become more preferred by other web sites. Indeed, I understand it may appear complicated, but it’ll all be clearer in a second.

Do you know the variations of on page SEO and off page SEO?

If you hear somebody speaking about on page SEO, they’re discussing the site code or even the website name (domains will probably be protected at another time). Listed here are a couple of things to think about inside the code:
•Title tags
•Meta Description
•Meta keywords
•H1 – H6 tags
You’ll find out more about “what is seo” in the future lessons, but now to explain about off page seo. This is anything from social networking and social bookmark submitting to producing back links. Don’t be concerned about knowing them now. The aim today is always to understand what seo is, why it’s essential, who utilizes it, and what techniques you’ll be utilizing in the future weeks.

SEO tips and tricks

A superbly developed web-site is essential to encourage web surfers to navigate to a site and then present them with the goods or services of the organization. A web site is vital among the internet marketing techniques an entrepreneur may make for achieving their objectives. But I’d like to explain a bit more about how producing a successful web site doesn’t end with a great front end. There are strategies required for a web site to be optimized properly to make a business successful.
seo tips and tricks
SEO tips and tricks have the strategies to employ which will drive visitors to your web site for long-term effective outcomes. With these strategies, there is no need for a firm to place expensive billboards or invest large amounts for other marketing techniques. SEO stands for search engine optimization. Where the primary goal is to place a web-site into the top results of searches produced by web surfers in web engines, which supply the visitors to web-sites. Only a manual and organic link building system that will rank your site, brings visitors or traffics and push your site to the 1st page and keyword ranked.
It might sounds simple, and it can be, but there is a need for research and definite strategy, especially at the start. The results are not immediate, but with SEO tips and tricks you will reap the benefits over time. In terms of rate of return on investment, there is no better way to invest your time and money than on search engine optimization. We are here to make sure that all the resources that you have put into setting up your business and website will actually be seen and noticed, which without good SEO will never even be seen by your potential clients or viewers.
SEO Tips and Tricks are an excellent way to enhance your search Search engine optimization marketing campaign and your SEO techniques.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

কিভাবে কাজ করবেন

প্রতিবার কাজ করার সময় নিচের লিঙ্কে যাবেন


ojoo earn money
উপরের মত পেইজ আসবে , রেজিস্তারের সময় যে ইউজার নেম এবং পাসওয়ার্ড দিয়েছিলেন সেটা দিবেন এবং নীল গোল ঘরে যে লেখাটা দেয়া থাকবে তা তীর চিহ্নিত ঘরে লিখতে হবে। তারপর লগইন বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।

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উপউপ্রেরের মত পেইজ ওপেন হবে , সবার উপরে বামে paid to click এ ক্লিক করুন।
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উপরে নীল তীর চিহ্নিত যে গোল দাগ দেওয়া এখানে ক্লিক করতে আরেকটি ট্যাব ওপেন হবে। এবং ৫ সেকেন্ড কাউন্ট হবে । এর পর একটি নেক্সট বাঁটন আসবে এবং সবার শেষে একটি বিশেষ চিহ্ন আসবে নিচের ছবির মত।

টাকা কামাই

উপরের ছবির মত কোন একটি চিহ্ন আসব সময় কাউন্ট হওয়ার পর , আপনাকে নিচের ছবির মত করে যে চিহ্নই দেয়া থাকুক না কেন তা মাউস দিয়ে আঁকতে হবে।

আমি নীল রঙ্গের গোল দিয়েছি কিন্তু আপনার গোল দিতে হবে না , ভিতরে যে অর্ধেক বক্সের মত রয়েছে তা আঁকলে ই হবে। যদি মাউস দিয়ে ঠিক মত দাগ দেন তাহলে নিচের মত লেখা দেখাবে।

এটুকুই কাজ , ৪০ তার মত লিংক থাকবে , সব গুলো সাইট একটা একটা করে দেখতে হবে। দিনে ২০ মিনিটের মত কাজ করলে ই হয়। পরবর্তী ধাপ ফেইসবুকে বুঝিয়ে দিব।


কিভাবে সাইন আপ করবেন

প্রথমে নিচের লিঙ্কে যান ।


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উপরের মত পেইজ আসবে।

১। একটি ইউজার নেম দেন - একটু আলাদা দেয়ার চেষ্টা করুন। যেমনঃ riyadabc , riyad12345 , riyadbd etc

২। পাসওয়ার্ড দেয়ার সময় একটু খেয়াল করে দিবেন , একটা বড় হাতে অক্ষর , কিছু ছোট হাতের অক্ষর , সংখ্যা ১২৩ এবং বিশেষ চিহ্ন যেমন @!# এগুলো মিলিয়ে একটা ভাল পাসওয়ার্ড দিবেন । যেমন ঃ Riyadabc@1   or Riyad123#     or Riyada1a@

৩। জিমেইল হলে ভাল হয় , তবে যে মেইল সব সময় ব্যবহার করেন সেই মেইল দিবেন।

৪। পেমেন্ট সেকশনের সব জায়গায় একই মেইল যেটা একাউন্ট করার জন্য দিচ্ছেন সেটাই দিবেন, অথবা পায়জা , পেপাল এ একাউন্ট করা থাকলে সেই মেইল দিবেন। না খুলা থাকলে এখন একটা দিয়ে রাখেন পরে একাউন্ট করে নিলেই হবে।

৫। I am not robot এর পাশে যে বক্সটি রয়েছে সেখানে ক্লিক করলে সবুজ একটা টিক চিহ্ন আসবে

৬। I accept - yes এ ক্লিক করতে হবে ।

তারপর রেজিস্টার এ ক্লিক করলে এবং সব ঠিক থাকলে আপনার মেইল এ একটি ইমেইল যাবে।